Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the girl with the dragon tattoo

Aniseh and I went to see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo separately this week. BTW, Paul F. Thompkins was at the Vista Theater for my showing. We like to Gchat about stuff. Here are our thoughts:

Ronee: OK, you know I watch a lot of Law & Order SVU -- seriously -- I can't fall asleep without the soothing hum of a violent crime show on my laptop. Law and Order and Unsolved Mysteries are for me what the crash of ocean waves from a sound machine is for a normal person. But holy shit, that rape scene. What I can't get out of my head was when she kicked the metal rod deeper into Bjurman's ass. I for one was like, hell yeah motherfucker -- take that.

Aniseh: Look, I'm no prude. I love a good metal-rod-in-the-butt revenge scene as much as the next person... other than you.

Ronee: Deflecting with sarcasm. Very Aniseh. But seriously... did you like TGWTDT? That reminds me of TGIF, which reminds me of Just The Ten of Us.


You're welcome Aniseh.

Ronee: I think I just peed my pants.

Aniseh: The little one was so cute. So my main thoughts for the movie... is where was the penis? Wait... for real?

Ronee: Yeah. But not in them. On them. I just went to the bathroom and now I feel wet and I smell like a toddler. Maybe I missed. I should probably incorporate more squats into my workout routine so this doesn't happen again. 

Aniseh: It was probably just your tea.

Ronee: Yeah, probably.   

Aniseh: Seriously, we see all of her butt, va-jayjay, boobies... but no guy's penis.

Ronee: So true. What's that all about?

Aniseh: What better way to depict the true ugliness of rape than a close-up on a penis.

Ronee: I almost just typed lol (which i fucking hate), but then I stopped myself. But the visual was almost that funny. Almost.

Aniseh: Kind of just did.

Ronee: Dammit.

Aniseh: Not meant to be funny. Meant to be very very serious. Insert funny emoticon of a penis.

Ronee: Is that a thing? If so... why do you know how to do that?

Aniseh: 0^0 or something like that.

Ronee: That would make for a really small penis to balls ratio.

Aniseh: I don't have a MFA for nothing you know. Rapers are notorious for having small penises so its perfectly accurate, thank you.

Ronee: I think we're done here. Plus, I need to go put some dry pants on.


  1. While you are not a fan of LOL Ronee, I was seriously laughing out loud as I read your post! I too love me some Law & Order SVU even though it feels creepy to like such a violent show! And who wasn't a fan of TGIF?!! I've even tried searching for Just the Ten of Us on Netflix before (and the Torkelsons, remember that show?!).

  2. How am I just hearing about The Torkelsons?
