Monday, December 19, 2011

'tis the season

There's barely a week left to enjoy the Christmas season, so I spent last night baking an assortment of Christmas cookies instead of working on my feature (not a tough decision since I've fallen into the dark hole that is writer’s block -- which means I'd pretty much use any excuse to avoid putting fingers to computer keys). 

With the soft (not so melodic) hum of Christmas carols in the background (no amount of pleading would get Ronee to stop "singing"), I mixed, stirred, screamed, chilled, swore, cried and kneaded the night away.

It was about three batches of undercooked, overcooked, and just plain burnt sugar cookies into my Christmas baking experience that I decided I really should stop procrastinating and get back to my writing.

Was the flour in my hair and the 2-3 lbs that likely went straight to my ass worth it? Yes. I learned that with enough sanding sugar and icing you can pretty much save anything in this world... Hopefully, that also includes my third act. 

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